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April 2023 County Almond Forecasts Released

Bountiful's 2023 April County Almond Forecasts for Yield, Bearing Acres, and Production are now available for you on the Bountiful platform.

A reminder for you. We're taking a different approach this year due to some challenging circumstances. Please note, like our California almond forecast, today's forecasts are a preliminary April estimate, which we will finalize by the end of the month.

Here's how you find and view County forecasts:

Start by going to and log in with your email and password. email me if you need help with logging in. 

Once logged into Bountiful navigate to Agriculture and expand the Yield menu on the left. Then find the "Yield for:" area and + Add new location.

hint see👇 the area you're looking for is highlighted in yellow.

Bountiful Platform Agriculture

To add a new county, click + Add new location and select almonds as your crop type and you'll see a menu to add California or County forecasts to your "Yield for:" list. Select the county you'd like to view then click Go. 

hint see👇 the area you're looking for is highlighted in yellow.

Bountiful Platform Agriculture

The County forecast data will then show under This Season's Forecast and the County will be automatically saved to your "Yield for:" drop-down list.

There are no limits to the amount of County forecasts you can view or save. And Bountiful's County forecasts are available for all major almond-producing counties in California.

If you need support navigating Bountiful, let us know