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The Future of Specialty Crop Farm Operations

Introducing Bountiful OS: Measure What Matters


We are excited to announce the official launch of Bountiful OS! After a year of testing, constant improvement, and iteration together with a small group of customers, Bountiful OS is now open to all farmers of specialty crops, starting with almonds now. 


What is Bountiful OS?

Bountiful OS is an advanced operating system specifically designed for agriculture. It consolidates all your crucial farm data into one seamless platform powered by AI. From production and bearing acres to yield, quality, field locations, benchmarking, costs, pricing, emissions, forecasting, and more, Bountiful OS helps you measure what matters on your farm.


OS Screen 1


Key Features

Automated Data Management: Bountiful OS digitizes all your field metadata and automates the extraction of PDF reports related to processing, quality, production, tests, and samples, displaying these changes over time.

Historical Data Integration: Centralizes all your historical farm data, making it easier to analyze and make informed decisions.

Anonymous Benchmarking: Our opt-in benchmarking feature lets you compare your farm’s performance with peers in your area based on crop age, farm type, county, and more. This feature allows you to analyze your data and compare your management practices with others, turning disorganized data into a strategic resource.

OS Screen 3


How We're Helping Farmers

Our customers have already experienced significant benefits from using Bountiful OS. Here are some examples: 

- One operation that has been using OS for the last year has loved how we have improved their internal efficiency across all their properties, OS has "significantly improved our organizational efficiency and yield projections.”

- Another vertically integrated grower with many different reports has used OS to automate data collection and reduce human error on manual data entry; "OS has saved us countless hours of harvest data entry. Before Bountiful OS, our harvest was tracked across several Excel files, making in-depth analysis challenging."  They can also now take their own data with them and do further analysis "We can download our harvest data into an easy-to-read format and use OS’s dashboard for thorough yield analysis.”

- Another large grower who has many ranches spread out across the state heavily utilized the benchmarking feature in OS to grade ranch performance and show PCA/CCAs how they compared to others "The benchmarking feature allows us to analyze our data and compare our management practices with others in our area. It turned disorganized data into a strategic resource!”

Future Crop Support

Currently, Bountiful OS supports almonds, with pistachios, wine grapes, table grapes, and citrus coming later this year.

Get Started

We invite you to sign up for Bountiful OS and start measuring what matters on your farm. Join the future of specialty crop farm operations and see the difference Bountiful OS can make in your operations.

Bountiful OS: Frequently Asked Questions

How does Bountiful OS work?

We digitize all your field metadata, automate and extract your PDF reports related to processing, quality, production, tests, and samples, and display these changes over time. With smart software and AI, we do the heavy lifting. You upload your PDF reports and see the data in the app in near real-time. Once digitized, you can download it into CSV/Excel files for your own analysis or generate custom reports for needs like internal quarterly auditing, updates to shareholders, insurance claim reports, due diligence, lending, and more.


How do customers use Bountiful OS?

Most customers use Bountiful OS to quickly digitize and view their production records and track progress during and after harvest. They compare their performance to previous years, download the data for internal reporting, and benchmark themselves against their peers. Some even include their grower price and ask us to compare it to the market wholesale pricing.


What do we do with your data?

Your data is not our product. You own your data and have access to it at all times. Only users within your organization have access to your data unless explicitly stated to share or anonymously included in Benchmarking.


What is Benchmarking in Bountiful OS?

Customers can choose to anonymously opt-in to share their data in aggregate within the Bountiful OS network. This allows you to compare yourself to others in your area by crop, farm type, and age, disentangle management practices from weather effects, understand if you are paying more for services than your peers, and be more strategic about who handles your product.


That's great but how does this help me?

Don't take it from us. Here are some of our customers' real experiences with how Bountiful OS helped them over this last year.

“Bountiful OS has completely changed how we can automate and visualize critical information in our operation. Even better, their benchmarking feature helps to gauge how we stack up against others in the industry. We are proud of our long-standing partnership and look forward to innovations brought forth by Bountiful In the future.”

- Zac Ellis Sr. Director, Agronomy @ OFI


“Bountiful OS has been a great platform that automated data capture and saved us significant time.  It centralized all of our data into one location in an easy to access format.  Best of all, the benchmarking allows us to analyze the data to see how our management practices compared to others in our area.  It turned disorganized data into a strategic resource!”

- Anonymous vertically integrated grower


​​"Bountiful OS has a very helpful platform in automating the collection and analysis of our yield data at Gold Leaf. The Bountiful team has an incredibly customer-centric workflow that allows for customization and a continuous improvement cycle."

- Tanner Snider, VP of Investment Strategy @ Gold Leaf Farming 


"Bountiful’s OS platform has significantly improved our organizational efficiency and yield projections. The overall experience with Bountiful has positively impacted our almond marketing program, enabling us to make informed spot-market sales decisions in a complex and dynamic almond market."

-Turner Christensen, Vice President @ Agriglobe


“Bountiful OS has saved us countless hours of harvest data entry. Prior to Bountiful OS our harvest was tracked across several excel files and was difficult to do in depth analysis.  Now that we can simply download our harvest data into an easy to read format and have OS's awesome dashboard we can spend more time doing in depth analysis of our yields."
- Brandon Windecker, Ag Operations Sr. Manager @ OFI


Join the future of farm operations with Bountiful OS.

Sign up to start measuring what matters on your farm!