Will you help us by adding bloom observations in your area this year?
Spread the word about Bountiful Bloom and together we can track almond bloom.
๐ธ Bountiful Bloom ready for 2025
Bountiful Bloom is LIVE and ready for you. We can't believe it's our fifth year tracking almond bloom together as an industry, capturing and sharing almond bloom stages across the state!
We've made some visual (UI) changes to Bountiful Bloom this year to make submitting votes easier. Access Bountiful Bloom via https://bountifulalmonds.com/ on your desktop or mobile browser!
Before you start tracking almond bloom, we'd like to ask you to help us grow Bountiful Bloom by sharing with fellow almond industry family or friends, in your market updates, or on social media.
Why? The greater the number of daily observations we receive, the clearer and more precise weโre able to visualize the almond bloom progress in the weekly updates we send you during bloom.
You can find Bountiful's Bloom Tracking FAQ here.

What is Bountiful Bloom?
Bountiful Bloom is a crowd-sourced free BloomTracking tool, Bountiful Bloom. Its success depends on your help, by adding bloom observations daily. By adding your bloom observation you get a consolidated, anonymous view of almond bloom + bee flight hours and chill portions data for North, Central, and South growing regions.
Need a reminder of the bloom stages?
Here's the bloom tracking resource guide for the observational bloom stages. Please document the stage of bloom that is the most representative of the tree for your bloom observation.
๐ธ Share photos of Bloom
Share your almond bloom photos with Bountiful by emailing megan@bountiful.ag or texting (805) 704-7157 to be featured in Bountiful's bloom update.
Special Announcement
๐ Honey Bee Colony Loss News
Earlier today Project Apis m. sent an urgent note about widespread colony loss. Their note stated, "Severe and sudden honey bee colony losses are being reported across the U.S. as beekeepers prepare for almond pollination." View their announcement here and view Project Apis m. Colony Loss Resources here.
If you're a commercial beekeeper, please complete the Project Apis m. survey by February 10th.
If you're experiencing losses, submit an ELAP claim to FSA as soon as possible.